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Added a StrongARM to your Risc PC and found that many programs don't work? You need StrongGuard!

StrongGuard! includes all the technoology that was previously available in Game On! and adds a number of new features to help get programs running on StrongARM based machines. When run on a machine with an older ARM processor it performs exactly the same functions as Game On! 2.5 did.

You can download StrongGuard for free as a Spark archive or a Zip archive. If you do not already have anything that will unpack Spare or Zip archives then you should download the read only version of ArcFS and use it to extract the Spark archive. The read-only version of ArcFS is supplied as a self extracting archive which should be unpacked by changing the type of the supplied file to "Utility" (&FFC) and then running it.

Want to know what StrongGuard! can do for you?

Want to know if it will make your favourite games work? Then look at our online database or download !Gamebase and peruse it at your leisure.

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Last modified 6th November 2013 · Comments to